
Week-long certificate program on Yige writing and reading was organized by Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture and Languages Kargil in collaboration with Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation (HCHF) on August 17, 2024. The week-long programme was inaugurated by Administrative Secretary Tourism and Culture Vikram Singh Malik and attended by renown scholar and historian Kacho Asfandyar Khan Faridoon and Geshe Konchok Wangdu as the guests of honour.

The Administrative Secretary said that the roots of cultural traditions and values must be upheld firmly, and congratulated all participants for learning the Yige script, which is a key to unveil the magnanimous Ladakhi knowledge and wisdom. Addressing the occasion, Kacho Asfandyar Khan Faridoon shared his personal experiences of learning Yige script and suggested that learning the script is easy for the people of Kargil as they can speak the language. Former Director CIBS Leh Geshes Kunchok Wangdu said mother tongue needs to be prioritized in education system and efforts needs to be done for its implementation. He added that people should take interest in learning mother language. Deputy Secretary LAACL Kargil Nazir Hussain giving the welcome address said the training program has been organised for those interested in learning Yige and in this regard, basic and intermediate level program has been organised by LAACL & HCHF.

Founder/Secretary, Dr. Sonam Wangchok, later gave the vote of thanks and urged the participants to take interest in their ancestral language and script (Yige). He said, if we want to preserve and promote cultural heritage, language is the root that we need to revive, preserve and use it. On the occasion, literary enthusiasts, writers, poets and participants were present during the inaugural session.

Concluding Ceremony

The week-long certificate program on Yige writing and reading organized by Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture, and Languages (LAACL), Kargil, in collaboration with Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation (HCHF) concluded on August 23, 2024 in Academy Hall, Kargil.

The ceremony began with a two-minute silence observed in memory of late Abdul Gani Sheikh, a State Awardee and dPal rNgam DusTon Awardee, known for his invaluable contributions to the field of literature. The event was graced by a huge gathering of cultural enthusiasts, scholars, students and civil society members, all committed to preserve and promote the ancient Yige script.

The program was presided over by Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Dr Mohd Jaffer Akhoon as chief guest, EC, Rural Development, LAHDC, Kargil, Er. Phunchok Tashi was the guest of honor. Director, FS&CA, UT Ladakh, Tahir Hussain Zubdavi was also present.

In his address, the CEC lauded LAACL Kargil and HCHF for organizing the certificate program and was satisfied with its success. He emphasized the indispensable role of cultural roots in shaping the identity of a community, and stressed that Yige script is not only a linguistic tool but also a gateway to profound knowledge and heritage of Balti and Purgi of Ladakh. Dr. Jaffer Akhoon commended participants for their commitment to learning the script, recognizing their efforts as a testament to collective desire to safeguard Ladakh’s rich cultural legacy.

Executive Councillor, Shri Punchok Tashi praised the collaborative efforts of LAACL Kargil and HCHF, acknowledging their vital contributions to the preservation of Yige script. He emphasized that language and culture are pillars of a community’s identity and underscored the importance of such educational initiatives in ensuring transmission of these cultural treasures to future generations. Shri Tashi also lauded the selfless service of Dr. Sonam Wangchok in preserving and promoting the cultural legacy of Himalayan regions.

The Director, FS&CA, Ladakh, highlighted the need for prioritizing mother tongue within the educational system, advocating for increased efforts to incorporate indigenous languages into curriculum. He called upon the community to take proactive steps in learning and promoting their native languages, as these are integral to preserving their unique identity and heritage.

Deputy Secretary, LAACL, Kargil, Nazir Hussain gave an overview of the program during his welcome address. Dr. Sonam Wangchok, founder/Secretary, HCHF, who expressed heartfelt gratitude to all participants, organizers, Press Club of Ladakh, Kargil and supporters and for their tremendous support and shared commitment to the preservation of the Yige script. He urged the scholars and experts to sit together and frame a curriculum for teaching Yige, so that Baltis and Purgis can write the script without any hindrance.

The closing ceremony also featured testimonials, shared and spoken on the occasion by several participants and resource persons, including Hadi Ali Qarrar; Ali Asgar Rinchan; Rehana Habeeb; Dr. Azra Khatoon and Mesam Raza, who shared their enriching learning experiences. 

As a mark of appreciation, mementos were presented to the CEC, EC, and Director FS&CA in recognition of their support for the week-long workshop. Additionally, the experts who conducted the week-long workshop, Geshe Konchok Wangdu (Ex-Director CIBS), Gen. Stanzin Nurboo (School Education resource person), Skarma Junglay (Renowned Purgi Scholar), Mohd Issa Sabiri (Renowned Purgi Scholar), and Stanzin Lodan (resource person) were also honored with traditional Khataks and mementos as token of appreciation for their efforts in ensuring success of the program.

The certificate program was widely appreciated by participants and Kargil society, underlining the critical need for such programs in maintaining cultural continuity of the region.

Special Learning Programme for School Children

Meanwhile, Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation conducted Yegi Learning Classes at Jaffaria Academy of Modern Education, Kargil. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi, President of Jamiat Ul Ulama Isna Asharia Kargil, along with Geshe Konchok Wangdu, President of HCHF and former Director of CIBS Leh, and Sajjad Kargili, Political Incharge of JUIAK Ladakh.

This initiative, aimed at introducing Yige script to students of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, is conducted by two expert instructors from HCHF. The classes are designed to impart knowledge of the Yige script, an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Kargil region. While talking to media, Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi emphasized the importance of preserving and teaching the Yige script to the younger generation. He highlighted that reconnecting with one’s cultural roots is essential for success and that education in local languages is a cornerstone of the New Education Policy. He further noted that the most successful nations are those that educate their youth in their native languages.

Geshe Konchok Wangdu echoed these sentiments, stating that the dialect spoken in Kargil is perfectly suited to the E-gay script. He stressed that by learning and using this script, the region can play a crucial role in its promotion and expansion. Wangdu reiterated HCHF’s commitment to the revival of the region’s cultural and heritage practices, with Yige being a key focus in Kargil.

The event was attended by several prominent figures, including renowned scholar and senior citizen Er Haji Mohd Hussain, Principal of JAME Anil Sir, and the Convener of Kargil District HCHF, Anayat Ali. Their presence underscored the broad support for this important cultural initiative.

This initiative is a testament to the ongoing efforts to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of the Himalayan region, ensuring that future generations remain connected to their roots.