Five books on “Mapping the Culture and Heritage of Nubra” were launched in Chamshen, Nubra, by LAMO and the Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation (HCHF). Four Walk books and one book of inventory of cultural resources are the result of a year-long project initiated by LAMO and HCHF with financial support from the Royal Enfield. The books have been edited by Monisha Ahmad, designed by Aaron Dana and published by LAMO.

The book-releasing ceremony was organised by Chamskyong Chostsog Tsogspa, Chamshen, at the community hall of Chamshen village, Nubra. President LBA Nubra, Shri Tsering Nurboo, was the chief guest on the occasion. Tsering Phuntsog, Member Chamshen, expressed his happiness about the completion of the project for documenting cultural assets in Nubra in his welcome speech. He appreciated the project team led by Dr. Sonam Wangchok.

While speaking on the occasion, Dr. Sonam Wangchok said the project was carried out with different aims, first to disseminate heritage education to villagers and youth, secondly to preserve the cultural heritage of Nubra, and thirdly to promote sustainable tourism in the Siachen belt of Nubra Valley. He stressed respecting and acknowledging the resource persons and elderly people from villages and learning from them about one’s cultural heritage and identity. He also requested Royal Enfield for financial support to initiate a similar project in the Shayok Belt, from Tangyar to Thang village.
Tsewang Dolma from Royal Enfield explained in detail the aim of supporting the project. She said mapping the culture and heritage of Nubra is one of many projects undertaken by Royal Enfield in Ladakh. She appreciated and congratulated LAMO, HCHF, and the entire team for documenting the cultural resources in the Siachen belt of Nubra for the benefit of locals as well as visitors coming from outside.

Director LAMO, Tashi Morup, in his speech, congratulated the people of Siachen Belt and appreciated everyone who had contributed to the project. While introducing the board with QR codes installed in every village, Tashi said, “Anyone can scan the QR code to read in detail about each and every village documented.”

On behalf of the Goba of different villages, the Zhung Goba Tsewang Ishey thanked Royal Enfield, HCHF, and LAMO for completing the most required project and coming up with five books on the cultural heritage of the Siachen belt of Nubra. He especially appreciated the selfless service of Dr. Sonam Wangchok in the field of cultural and heritage preservation in Ladakh, especially in the Nubra Valley.
While speaking on the occasion, chief guest Tsering Nurboo, president of LBA Nubra, also appreciated the efforts of HCHF and LAMO in documenting the heritage resources in the Siachen belt and he requested the above-mentioned organizations to initiate the same project in Deskit side from Tangyar to Thang village, so that Nubra can have a complete set of Walk Books and an inventory of cultural resources. At last, Stanzin Kunkhyen, the president of the Chamskyong Chostsog Tsogspa, Chamshen, delivered the vote of thanks to everyone who has contributed to the project. The function was attended by Gobas and members of different villages in the Siachen belt of Nubra Valley.